The Shawshank Redemption is drama movie directed by Frank Darabont. Its based on the novel by Stephen King. Movie stars Morgan Freeman and Tim Robbins in the lead. The story starts in 1947 where a banker Andy Dufresne [Tim Robbins] is convicted of murdering his wife and her lover. But according to him he's not responsible for the murder. After all the legal procedures he's sentenced for life long sentence at Shawshank. There he meets Red [Freeman] who had failed to gain parole. Red is the person who is famous for providing you stuffs in there, be it a cigarette or a small rock hammer in Andy's case for making chess pieces as his hobby. Later he befriends some more people out there. In the cell he has to face many difficulties and is bullied by some prisoners too. But at the same time being a banker, he is found to be beneficial for the authorities too. He's successful in establishing a big library for the prisoners and soon becomes the first name on every one's tongue. The drama continues which shows the fate of Andy Dealing with all the things. Its what you're gonna watch next.
The movie itself is a masterpiece. adequately adapted from the novel and brilliantly screened. The direction is simply flawless and maintains the dramatic touch throughout. Tim Robbins making a debut has done an exceptionally good job here. Moreover the famous Morgan Freeman is great as usual. With a running time of about 2.5 hours, this movie is fully packed with drama, emotions and surprises. Few scenes in the movie binds a little humor to enhance the dramatic effect. The dialogues are well written as well. The seriousness of the movie lies within and somewhere it touches a serious issue. The life of prisons is carved out perfectly. The background score matches up with the environment and stacks you with the movie. In short this movie is an example of a perfect movie with no flaws. Truly the greatest movie i have ever seen in my life. This one's highly recommended to all the movie lovers. A must watch and a must in you movie collections.
My Rating - 10 on 10
this movie is definitely one of the greatest ever made. the script and the direction both goes hand in hand. tim robbins n freeman are truly great